Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sibling jealousy and Homoeopathic Way of Understanding The Child


Dear friends we often come across such children in life who feels that they are suffering from partiality behaviour of their parents and guardians. They feel that they are less appreciated and loved than their Siblings. I was working on such children few rubrics which I feel noteworthy are:

1. MIND - JEALOUSY - children - between; It’s a condition when the children have jealousy between them they are jealous of other ones qualities.

2. MIND - JEALOUSY - children - new-born gets all the attention; when the: It is applied in such cases where we see that child feels that since the time the new member is added in the family he is getting all attention.

3. MIND - DELIRIUM - jealousy, from: Often Child takes it too much seriously to the heart he /she become Delirious.

4. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - jealousy: He may suffer from mood disorders, fever, lack of concentration in studies, increased bowel movements, temper tantrums, headache to some serious organic disease.

5. MIND - ENVY - avidity, and: Often they are envious of others Possessions and develop the extreme desire to get that thing.

6. MIND - ENVY - hate, and: They may develop hatred feeling with the other children they are envious.

7. MIND - ENVY - qualities of others, at, The Qualities of other and the praise which they get from the family members make them envy of the other children.

8. MIND - DISCONTENTED - everything, with: Such children are often seen unhappy with everything nothing pleases them.

9. MIND - MOROSE - children, in: Often seen Behaviour of such children.

10. MIND - FORSAKEN feeling - beloved by his parents, wife, friends; feeling of not being: They feel that they are not loved by their parents.

11. MIND - DELUSIONS - appreciated, she is not: For every Incidence they have a strong feeling that they will not be appreciated and they are not appreciated in past too.

12. MIND - DELUSIONS - neglected - he or she is neglected: They feel that they are neglected by their parents. They have a strong notion that their parents have not given them much wanted attention.

13. MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has - children; in: Often after conflicts at home with their siblings they feel that they were wrong punished or suffered.

14. MIND - WEEPING - forsaken feeling; from: Sadness and gloominess due to the forsaken feeling made them cry.

15. MIND - LAMENTING - appreciated, because he is not: They are often found lamenting or complaining about this that whatever good is done by other child they have also done in past or they can also do it or when they have done than in past no body noticed or appreciated