Friday, February 15, 2013

Homoeopathy & Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A middle aged gentleman came to my clinic, he was anxiously waiting for his turn, After some time when he stepped in the chamber, the anxiousness was visible on his face, his lips were chapped and cracked, He put his bag of reports on the table, it seems he was in hurry, I asked to show the reports he said please you see whatever report you wish to see, I can't find what report you wish to see, I said why? His wife told that doctor see how much anxiety he has, I don't know why he get's so anxious on such a little things, Whenever he has to do some file work or office work he gets anxious like that, Actually due to this he has developed fear of all these mental exercise even if children ask some problem in maths he will try to avoid, earlier he used to be a very methodical man and good academician, wanted things in order; but now just see him, He is almost surrounded by a thought and he will continue to think on that, If a idea comes in mind he will get adhere to that and it is very difficult to detach him, everyone is fed up of him now, I asked why it happened? He said Doctor I want to come out of hell, I said tell what happened tell in detail, It all started in Summers, He said doctor Earlier I use to have Constipation, For easy cleaning of bowels I used to take lot of laxatives and even I got habitual of using Enemas,. That has made my condition even worse, For that I saw many doctors and now I am in very bad condition , I have typical feeling as if some stool is left behind in, for that I used to sit, I want to clear all my bowels because in day time some times on passing flatus or while urination,stool or mucus also passes, So I fear passing flatus, Lot of hot and loud flatus pass during defecation, which is very embarrassing, Frequent urge to pass stools had made my rectum loose, There is burning in rectum I feel there is a weight which is dragging my rectum down, Give me some tonics or some good medicine, I want to come out of this physical and mental hell.The patient was given Aloes. He responded very well to the treatment and till now as almost 14- 15 months have passed he is still enjoying good health.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Homoeopathy & Drug Addiction

Life story Of an addict and How Homoeopathy Helped Him Once robust, and smart, all college girls were after him for friendship, now look the destiny everything has changed , it all started when he became addict to Opium, Opium has taken everything......Now he is weak emaciated, with waxy pale face, sunken eyes, has dark circles, with almost no appetite.
He has anxiety about his falling health, He fears people, he has panic attacks with suffocation He always Fears something bad will happen, He is always Complaining in a peevish way. Irritability is also there. He has Emotional excitement, He has panic-attacks with feeling of suffocation Ailments from grief and vexation. He has weakness of memory. He is Dull and indifferent. Often suffers from Confusion even that In fever he Does not recognize his close blood relatives . when he was a Child he was Peevish,he had aversion to be touched on head.few days back he suffered from pernicious anemia, he has Night sweats, he has burning thirst esp for water,Face pale, waxy, bluish lips, sunken eyes with dark circles. Remedy Acetic acid and counselling cured him completely, Now he is fit and back to his daily routine and Homoeopathy has Helped him in recovering.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gift of Homoeopathy On child's first Birthday

This boy was brought to my clinic few days back, he had the abscess with swelling on his chest near left nipplle region, he was in terrible pain, the parents were worried, her mother was crying and said he is suffering from this from 2 days, I asked have you given any treatment for this they said no, I asked why? they said we applied some home remedies last night and it became like that, I said oh.. I was looking at the child he was very silent and quiet, I examined him initially he opposed but than he kept quiet, I asked does he have pain? Her mother said sir when he is awake he occassionaly screams but again he keeps quiet, but in night when he sleeps than during sleep he moans, I said oh.. poor chap, she said it is his habit whenever he fells ill, he never makes hue and cry, he is silent. I gave Ignatia next day it became further red and on second day it burst, on 5th day he was all right. this is how Homoeopathy brought back the smile on the childs face, and he Enjoyed his first birthday which was on the 4th day.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Muscle sprains and strain due to overlifting


1. If lifting or carrying heavy loads, or any sudden exertion or strain produces pain, give Rhus tox

2. When from this cause very violent piercing pains are felt in the small of the back, which become worse on every motion of the body, give Bryonia. If this does not relieve entirely, Sulphur

3. If headache ensues, and Rhus will not remove it, give Calcarea.
Source : Domestic physician By Hering. Few additions as per Synthesis Repertory
MIND - THOUGHTS - vanishing of - overlifting, after...Psorinum
BACK - PAIN - Cervical region - overlifting, after .....calc
BACK - PAIN - Dorsal region - overlifting; as if from ...calc, lyc, mur ac, olnd, rhus tox, Valerina.
BACK - PAIN - Lumbar region - overlifting; as if from ...acon, caust, ferr, kali bi, rhus tox, staph

Friday, January 27, 2012



When I first Visited her place, I heard typical deep sound as if some animal was making that, Her grandmother cautioned her Father “ Don’t take Doctor near her now, wait for the Ghost to go down” Gudiya ( her nick name) is in violent anger, she has just spitted on the face of her mother. I was watching her from a distance she was sitting in a well lighted room constantly chewing, talking and staring , during this period of her Anger, Her parents told me that she was suffering from convulsions since her childhood, They told me that her hands remain cold and face becomes hot after the attack, I asked how you get to know that she is going to have attack, they told that she used to make a loud shrill noise before attack and her feet starts jerking and this jerks gradually spreads up, the limbs become stiff, she keeps on stretching them without being aware of what she is doing. She desires acidic and sour food, She stares at us during that period. By this time her phase of anger was gone she became perfectly all right and cheerful, she called me near and said everybody fears me, nobody wishes to come near, tell them to sit beside me, When I asked anything you wanted to tell she said Doctor I fear that Ghost, look my hands are cold, back is cold and this coldness is to the last of back, and face is hot, and see I feel this heat is coming out from my ears in form of wind It all happens when I become Ghost. She had a history of delayed first menses and Irritability during menses. After Starting the medicine she responded Very well and got cured. What is your understanding about the case, almost 3 years have gone she is not taking any medicine and living a normal life. ..