Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gift of Homoeopathy On child's first Birthday

This boy was brought to my clinic few days back, he had the abscess with swelling on his chest near left nipplle region, he was in terrible pain, the parents were worried, her mother was crying and said he is suffering from this from 2 days, I asked have you given any treatment for this they said no, I asked why? they said we applied some home remedies last night and it became like that, I said oh.. I was looking at the child he was very silent and quiet, I examined him initially he opposed but than he kept quiet, I asked does he have pain? Her mother said sir when he is awake he occassionaly screams but again he keeps quiet, but in night when he sleeps than during sleep he moans, I said oh.. poor chap, she said it is his habit whenever he fells ill, he never makes hue and cry, he is silent. I gave Ignatia next day it became further red and on second day it burst, on 5th day he was all right. this is how Homoeopathy brought back the smile on the childs face, and he Enjoyed his first birthday which was on the 4th day.


  1. Hello Dr. vikas sharma,
    You have blog posted are very beautiful.I have very impressed you that you have well as child treatment incresed on any diseases.I have to see your blog posting picture are very impressed me.Is it true to improving of these condition you have posted,if yes"Thanks"
    Thanks for sharing..


  2. Thanks for your Interest, Homoeopathy has given many such quick cures and helped the suffering mankind.

  3. Did homeopathy also completely change his skin colour?
